What are the membership levels in the Linux Foundation?

Open Source Stack Exchange answers questions about the business of open source.
Linux Foundation

Open Source Stack Exchange is an open discussion site for users to ask and answer questions about the marketing, licensing, and development of open source projects. Philippe Ombredanne answers one question on “What are the differences between membership levels in the Linux Foundation?”

The Linux Foundation is a non-profit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux. Founded in 2000, The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and is supported by leading Linux and open source companies and developers from around the world.

There are different membership levels for companies who wish to support the Linux Foundation. Those who have higher levels of membership pay larger fees and have more say in the Linux Foundation Board of Directors seats.

The annual membership fee for Platinum members is $500K+, Gold is $100K, Silver is $5K to $20K. Additionally, individual supporters only pay $99 while students get in for free.

According to Article V, each platinum member has a seat on the board, all gold members have three seats jointly, and all silver members have one seat jointly. As a result, a platinum member has as much influence as all the silver members collectively.

nexB has been a Silver member of the Linux Foundation since 2013.

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